Share the Pie!

Or should it be pass the pie…

Of late I have heard several people say, “oh that’s my competition” or “the market is too small for me to collaborate.”  Well that’s simply not true, it’s stinkin thinkin! Pee-ew!

Scarcity breeds scarcity. It serves no one and nothing!

Thinking big and collaborating serves your customer, the market, and the global economy!

I love deliberate and purposeful collaboration! It creates win/win scenarios that start a ripple effect in the marketplace.

Trying to serve everyone is like eating the whole pie at once.

As much as I would love to eat the whole pie, I cannot – nor should I.  My purpose is to serve my slice of pie to impact women’s lives and businesses.

But I can’t be all things to all people. Pie is best served and shared with like-minded people who can serve up their own portion of Frock-alicious-ness. I’m blessed to have access to experts whom I collaborate with to provide their very own slices of pie. Perhaps also dollop of fresh whipped cream or a scoop of delicious ice cream.

At all our live events we feature expert speakers who generously shared their stories to make one GIANT and DELICIOUS pie.

Share the Pie

I am happy to share the joy, the access to knowledge, and infinite success with anyone who joins our community and serves openly, generously and graciously! Sharing the pie is the very best of who we are in life and business. It’s Frock-alicious at its best!

So with that in mind I hope you will join our campaign to #sharethepie, #sharethejoy, #sharethelove and live #frockalicious!

Oh and yes we would love you to join us at one of our upcoming events and heap your plate with all the pie to you need to build and live your Frock-alicious Life! Full details at Join us at one of our upcoming events near you – 2015 -2016

Collectively we are all successful when we #sharethepie!

It’s your time to see tremendous success in your life and career/business!

Deliciously yours!


Next stop Canmore AB in the Glorious Rockies!

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