LISTEN – Can you hear me now?

Yes, it’s true, or as Dr. Seuss says it’s truer than true!

YOU matter! There has never been a better time to stand up and be seen. To move from the shadows into the light. In your life, love, career or business.

One moment – one important life altering moment – can set you on your path to your purpose. 

It may be today, it may be tonight, heck it may even be in this moment.

Have you heard that knocking at your door to your life saying, “let me in”? It begins as a whisper, but then it gets louder and louder until you can no longer drown it out with busyness, acts of martyrdom, or even excuses. YOU simply can’t quiet the voices – you can’t stop it.

Have I offended you or caused you discomfort? 

Then this note must be for you.

You see the real you, the purposeful you, the powerful you is dying to get out and live the life you have dreamed of, longed for and coveted.

When was the last time you spoke to yourself and listened, really listened? You see, the answers are within you. Perhaps they have been buried a long time – buried deep. Take solace in knowing that this burying, stuffing it down, happens to us all at some point in our lives.

We mean to take one glorious path, and instead end up taking another and all of a sudden we find ourselves standing smack dab in the MESS! It’s a big mess, and one we have no idea how to rectify.

I am here to tell you it’s okay, and this is just a bump, a blip in time. It’s not the whole story. Not even close! NO WAY!

But more than anything, I want you to know I get it! I’ve been there. I not only have the t-shirt. heck I have the WALK IN closet!

For years I struggled with seeking and searching, only to discover I had the solutions inside my walled up, frocked up, no trespassing fortress.

Incredibly, I discovered the solutions as I invested in me, my life, my relationships, my career and my business.

Amazing things happen when you move from the shadows of doubt and smallness into the light. 

It’s profound, powerful and in its truest form it’s pure!

I share this with you because almost daily I have someone reach out to me asking me how I rose from the ashes to where I am today.

Here are the three steps I took and continue to take to ensure I walk my talk and serve!

1. Invest – Spare nothing on the investment it takes to move your life and business forward – nothing!

The greatest asset you will ever have is you. Nothing will ever be more valuable than YOU!

You matter – you are here to do something, to leave the world better than when you arrived. It took me years to fully embrace this. For years I suffered from imposter syndrome and lack of worthiness.

My only wish is I would have stood up years ago. Having helped over 1500 entrepreneurs launch their businesses to date. I often wonder how many more business owners I could have helped launch had I embraced and invested in myself sooner.

Caveat: Do your due diligence when investing. Understand, Commit and Implement!

2. Focus – Know where you are going. I am sure you have heard the old adage keep your eyes on the prize. Do the PLAN AND PLAN THE WORK this is a direct road map to SUCCESS. Surround yourself with like-minded, purpose-driven, heart-centered people who, like you, are dedicated to the end goal.

3. Work – Although not nearly as exciting or juicy, it is necessary. Without work and implementation, nothing changes at all! And you deserve more than that!

Are you willing to stand for you and say YES?

Are you willing to ASK for what you need and deserve?

My dear friend Michelle Peavy has a great saying, “Get Off YOUR ASK!” It’s brilliant and necessary. If you want something to change, you’ve got to do something differently.

If this speaks to you, or you feel uneasy as you read this…well then take note, it’s your time!

Because you matter, and time is the one commodity you can never replace!

At our live events we move you from Best kept secret to success and the gold standard. Why? Because it’s important, it’s powerful and it changes everything. These events are the fast track to change, implementation, access, community, collaboration and connection!

So today I invite you to stand up and claim your place and move from the shadows into the spotlight of success in life, love and business!

Let do this!

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