Want to do something different? DISRUPT it!


Disrupt what’s not working! We humans are great at creating habits. Some are good. Others don’t serve us. So here’s a thought. To eliminate a bad habit, DISRUPT it. I mean anything that’s not working to advance us, our life purpose, or our business.

Often we are so busy trying to duct tape what’s clearly not working, in the hope that we can revive it, breathe new life into it, shock it back from the brink of being obsolete. Clearly it is not working, but fear of the unknown gets in the way. Instead of disrupting what we know and risking the unknown, we simply continue to add duct tape.

We do this in life, love and business. We stay in love and business relationships that are clearly long past expired. We hang onto them like a badge of honour. Well I’m here to tell you it serves nothing and no one. I’m not saying you should throw in the towel on a long-term love relationship. But I am saying we all know when enough is enough. When and if that day comes, we must muster up the courage and conviction to decide it’s time to let go, forgive, and move on.

No matter how great duct tape is, it’s only good for so many things.

I say in this day of noise and distraction that it’s high time we embrace DISRUPTION! It’s time to think EPIC and DISRUPT the norm!

Let go of the old and be bold! Step into the unknown.

Throughout history there have been many great leaders who, although once thought of as daft or trouble makers, became the revered and respected.

So be DISRUPTIVE in your thinking. Shake things up. Challenge and evolve into new possibilities!

Disruption AheadYou’ll be amazed at what you create when you DISRUPT what you have always done.

Oh and by the way, you will not always be embraced with open arms. When I wrote Frock Off: Living Undisguised many cautioned me on the title.  Oh well, or as the French would say, C´est la vie. I decided to be DISRUPTIVE. I knew the title had to stand for something.

Want a different result in your business? DO SOMETHING completely different.

Ready, Set, Take Action!

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