Brynda Roche

Ambassador of Change  [Learn More]  
Coach/Consultant | Central Alberta
Sherwood Park, AB 

Dynamic You- Nuskin/True Color

Building a Better You! 
Blue Diamond 
Leading Transformation Guide & Business Leader 
Helping Others Successfully in Business and in Health. 
Guiding People to Live HEALTHIER, YOUNGER, LONGER and more VIBRANT Lives- to Regain that YOUTHFUL SPARK 

How Old You Are is Your Business- How Young You Look and Feel Is Mine! 
Helping You to Age Backwards! 
Helping You to Lead Successful Lives! 


Brynda believe's that in order to have effective communication with everyone who crosses your path or that is in your life, it is so important that we effectively learn to identify and speak their "Color" Language. Using the True Colors Communication Styles, I love to hold seminars to teach people to talk and communicate in a way that becomes a win-win for both.

Facebook: Brynda Roche

Twitter: @bryndaroche

Linkedin: Brynda Roche


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