Alana Newton

Coach/Consultant | Vancouver Island, BC
Ladysmith, BC 
250-245-8711 or 403-640-1902 (text)

Speaker, Certified Executive Coach, Consultant and Best Selling Author

Alana Newton has been working in business for over 40 years in both the corporate and nonprofit realms, with roles from social worker to media professional to salesperson to executive.

Alana is a spirited coach who knows first hand what happens when your world is turned upside down because you haven’t taken the time to focus on what is really important.

Alana’s Passion and Purpose is seeing women achieve their goals and succeed. She gets really excited about personal development, and love’s playing a part in helping others achieve the development and growth they desire

Facebook: AlanaNewtonCoach

Twitter: @alananewton

LinkedIn: AlanaNewton


Alana is an approved Ambassador of Change Coach. Be sure to book your complimentary 30-minute coaching session with Alana. This is another fabulous membership benefit. 

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