Your Soup Is Served

YOUR Soup ... YOUR life!

Use everything but the kitchen sink! That’s how I was taught to make soup. Add anything and everything – it can’t hurt. But it doesn’t always taste stellar. This morning it dawned on me that life often resembles soup.

We are taught to persist, even when it’s to our own detriment. To keep going in spite of the warning signs.

Persistence is often confused with pushing! Persistence to push through until something happens is a sound theory for task-oriented activities. When I ran marathons the push theory was all that I needed. I pushed through the wall and completed, or I didn’t. The theory assumes that we are in control of all variables which we aren’t, of course.

Have you ever asked yourself why you stayed in a relationship that was lacklustre, or worse is dysfunctional? You may have even given it your all – trying with all you had to PUSH through it for a desired outcome, only to be disappointed. At best it may have caused feelings of resentment and time lost (never to be regained), at worse it may have felt more like an epic failure. By the way, to me, there is no such thing as failure. I believe there is always a lesson to be learned.

The truth is that we know when we must move on. Staying is not persistence, but a resistance to change. At times it is easier to stay in the discomfort of what we know, instead of venturing into what we don’t.

I liken it to cheap canned soup. We could transform it into something delicious and nutritious with a few vegetables and spices, but instead we push ourselves to eat that bland, yucky type. We don’t want to take the risk in case it doesn’t turn out.

The same is true of living our dreams. At times we believe we can PUSH through the barriers if we just keep trying, but without changes and access it’s impossible.

Here are three steps I apply frequently:

  1. Turn your eyes inward and take stock of where you are, where you’ve been and where you want to be. Is there a gap? If you discover a gap hallelujah, it means you’re aware.
  2. Accept and acknowledge that you don’t have to go it alone – nor should you. Two BIG benefits when you decide to build a tribe of support around you is that as you reach your goals, you have others to celebrate with. PLUS you will inspire others as you climb.
  3. Course correct and STAND UP for you, for change, for your desires, and for your dreams. Let go of what could have, should have, and would have been and take the reins to what will be!

I believe that we don’t fail if we choose to learn… it’s a choice. We each must decide for ourselves.

Is this the year you decide to live the life you want?

Is this the year you come to the table with your desires, dreams and convictions? To take your place and be ready for all that is to come? For if not now, when?

Is 2016 your time to live a Frock-alicious Life? A life in which your dreams, desires, goals and success are one.  Where you live and love fully each day, and to celebrate wild success in your life and business.

And as you take this journey, we are here to serve you. It’s your time and your turn!

Carl Jung said “what you resist – persists”.

I say you are worth far more than that!

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