Whatever it is, just do it.

Whatever it is just do itShort and sweet this email will be!

It’s simple really and without pretense, if you want something GO FOR IT!

Please turn me overNo excuses and no stone unturned.

Myth Number 1: Just do It – as Nike says and swoosh you will arrive at your desired outcome unscathed and successful. Work smarter, not harder. That’s not at all what Nike is suggesting. It takes work, practice and more practice to succeed. That said, it pays off!

Myth Number 2: You can do it alone. Although it’s possible – it’s much harder and takes far longer. Why would you?

Myth Number 3: It should come with ease and grace. It’s called work for a reason. It’s not called play. Although ideally you absolutely love what you do, it’s work. If you’re reading this and thinking, there’s nothing about what I do that I love, it’s time to make a change. Just do it, and fast!

Myth Number 4: If you own your own business or work in commission sales there will always be times of feast or famine. This is only true if you do not have access to those who need what you offer. Decide to invest in you and your knowledge, and increase your reach and access. Be where your customers are.

Myth Number 5: I don’t have the time or finances to do what I need to do to realize my dreams. This is a frock! There will never be a better time to do what needs doing. Even if only incrementally, just do it! One hour of invested time and learning can be directly tracked to seven hours of revenue generating activity.

Is it time to move from Best Kept Secret to Gold Standard? You’re smart, savvy and you know you have what it takes. What’s needed is access: to those who know how and will generously share, to new perspectives and to the community who are looking to do business with like-minded people. Join us in Vancouver and do it by design! Feb. 4-5th, 2016. Click here

Whatever it is – it’s doable!

Isn’t it time to JUST DO IT?

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