The Long Awaited Proof

Michael and I travel a lot and this morning it occurred to me how the differences make the best stories.

As we made our way to the airport this morning I found myself laughing at the many differences and yet same goal we share – to get to the airport and board the plane.

For this post I shall refer to myself as The Woman and The Man shall be Michael.

The Woman: ever organized packs away everything the night before leaving only the essential needs to be used in the morning. So laser focused is she on her outcome of being organized and ensuring a smooth check out of the hotel she suggests ever so sweetly that her husband (The Man) pack all that is not needed to make the process of checking out of the hotel smooth in the morning. My Neurotic Obession - Packing!

The Man: simply acknowledges her request by saying he will in a bit. BTW his version of a bit – means morning!

The Man: Relaxes watching a TV show while she (The Woman) paces wildly around the room hunting and gathering EVERYTHING to pack for a smooth check out. Occasionally he rises to gather a few odd objects NONE of which make it to the suitcase as he sees no need to fret about such things.  In the morning he stuffs his items into the already packed suitcase.

So organized was the woman that she packed almost everything. Much to her dismay come morning she has to unpack what she has so carefully packed the night before as well as removed the items the man has stuffed into every crevice and secret compartment.

Why you might ask? Because she cannot find ANYTHING! Of course what she is trying to locate resides at the bottom of the suitcase she had so carefully packed. Meanwhile the man stands back watching the flurry of activity – as she who now more resembles a woman in need of an intervention repacks everything. Once she finishes her task all is good and well in the world. Crisis averted.

The Man: Looks well put together as they check out. She looks a little less relaxed but is ready for the trip to return to the airport.

The Man: drives ever so confidently to the airport trusting his own internal GPS after all he has driven past the airport at least five times since arriving. Oh and important to note here … The Man has a sense of direction – akin to a compass!

GPS for Backup

GPS for Backup

The Woman: being ever the ready frantically and purposely enters the destination into the vehicle GPS in case the Man’s GPS fails.

They arrive at the airport intact and early much to her delight. Surely this was due to her attention to detail and preparation…

The Man and The Woman board the shuttle bus to the airport and much to The Woman’s dismay The Man places his computer bag precariously on the edge of the luggage rack… She immediately jumps to action to avoid certain catastrophic results – the destruction of said laptop when it crashes to the floor in transport. Thank goodness the woman had the fortitude to act pre-emptively and place the laptop bag securely in place for the one mile transport.

The Man: Says quietly – to an unknown source “she worries too much”

The Woman: Hears this and retorts “you live too precariously.”

The Driver of the shuttle (a woman) notices The Woman’s quick thinking and says “you can never be too careful.”

The Woman: Surmises she, (The Shuttle Driver) must also be married to a man who himself pushes the edge of the envelope… Oh how The Woman feels her pain… they exchange a quick glance in solidarity and a smile of compassion.

The Man and Woman arrive at the terminal unscathed and without incident. The Woman is relieved.

Time to board – again The Man and The Woman exhibit their very own unique character traits.

The Woman who has a handbag and a rolling briefcase is on a mission to secure an over head compartment for her luggage so conforms quickly and lines up to board.

The Man: Lollygags, wandering aimlessly around looking at things … The Woman wonders what the heck… He needs to be ready to board.

It matters not that they don’t even board for 20 minutes. It’s the principle of the thing – right?

Finally they board and much to her chagrin the overhead bins above her seat are full – jammed packed. Immediately she tries to figure out exactly what she may need for the flight! The Man seeing her terror quickly rectifies the issue by stacking luggage… The woman is grateful – this man is smart!

They take their assigned seats and he drifts off to sleep while the woman plans her exit once they land.

Deplaning is another story onto itself … best saved for another time…

All of this is true – hilariously true and factual.

Lucky me to have something to write about almost daily because I am neurotic! My obsession with missing the plane and fear of forgetting my valuables overrides any common sense I have. As I write this I am laughing hysterically oh and Michael is resting comfortably in the seat beside me.

Yikes thank goodness the man (Michael) also sees in me my many other qualities! LOL

Got to run I have a plane to catch… they will be boarding soon! Love Alaska Airline!

See you soon!

See you soon!

This is proof positive opposites attract.