Tag Archives: marketing

Pretty Paper or a Sow’s Ear?

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do it will never be enough? Or if you could just learn X, you would be happier, more fulfilled, and successful? Or, the worst, that you are not smart enough and therefore, don’t deserve it. I know I have, and it is complete…

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I confess, I did do it!

Why, why, why do we forget that being a human means falling, and getting back up. And at times, it means picking out the bits of gravel we may have gathered in our fall from grace. It also means seeing the humor in the lesson, and sometimes being just plain goofy! Not…

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Sizzle or Fizzle – It’s your call!

When you know, I mean really know deep in your bones, it shows in all you do. It becomes easier, natural and repeatable. This statement is applicable each time we learn something new. Once we know something it becomes less about the mechanics, and more about the results. You have likely met…

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