talk to the handWhat’s my WHY? Oh my, those words can send shivers down the spine of even the most courageous person. It’s pure terror.

When you know you why, you can do anything; be anything; scale anything!

Just ask the people who climb Mount Everest. They know their why. In fact some have it tattooed on their a$$.

I remember the first time I was asked. I felt that sick feeling come over me – the same one I had many times before because I didn’t know. I had no idea why I had lived when others hadn’t, why I had beat cancer, why I had survived the years in hiding, why I had realized success so many times and yet felt empty and guilt ridden. I felt as though the person asking was swearing at me – calling me out!

Of course they weren’t, I was just at odds with me and my damn why!

It sounds so simple, but discovering and knowing your why will likely be the single most important thing you will do in your life! I’ve heard it said that there are two important days in your life – the day you are born, (which you have little control over) and the day you know your purpose.

For some, it’s about breaking the family cycle, or stepping up in the community and being a leader for change. For others it may mean stepping up globally. All are equally important because it is, after all, your life and your why.

Some discover their why by accident or incident… consider the story of my dear friend, Colleen Hierath, who was in a car accident that changed her life forever. Now she is changing other people’s lives by sharing her message on international stages and coaching. I so admire her for her tenacity, vision, mission, drive and her take no prisoners attitude in life!

It took me a while to accept and embrace my why. Doing so meant taking full responsibility for my life and those I touch. That’s big – really big! What is amazing is that when I did, things flowed much easier.

Today I stand firm in knowing my why! – I am meant to be of service to all who are ready to stand up and step into their lives!

My why means serving you – your story, your life, your purpose, your ripples of change, your legacy. This is my why!

At our core we are all the same, and long for the same things: acceptance, health, joy, love, and to matter.

I know you are purpose-driven, sassy, smart and all-in! You are heart-centered and sometimes at night you wake troubled and concerned that life is moving so fast. WAY too fast!

You have a destiny, a calling, a mission, and we both know it! But how do you move from knowing and tugging, to doing and living what you know is your true purpose?

And what about getting paid to do so? To be paid enough and beyond to really live the life you dream of!

Sure you’re ready, but is something holding you back? Let’s say it for what it is – FEAR! 

But just for a moment, let’s just explore the ‘What If’ scenario. Just for a moment imagine what would happen if you just STAND UP and step into your life?

What if you had the tools, the tips, the tribe, the access, the knowledge and the confidence – yes the confidence – to step into your life full on?

What if we unleashed YOU on the world?

Here’s what some people said after they said yes to themselves!

“An event for all women of all ages to help to come into your own true authentic self. Empowering and enlightening. A must go to event.” – Brenda Hammon

“I loved the event. I love the attendees. I love the uplifted feeling I get. I have excitement back in my life. I got my CONFIDENCE back!!! Thanks to everyone at the Canmore, Frock-alicious EVENT!” – Cindy Bleyenberg-McCrea

“The Frock-a-licious Life conference blew me away! I was thrilled to discover a world of heart centered businesswomen that I can connect with and be supported by. I not only gained friends for life but left feeling empowered, motivated and inspired.” – Jackie Harray

“I have already recommended a frock-alicious event to my friends who want to grow their business and reclaim their life.” – Lisa Marie

“I loved this event. Heart centered business women came together and manifested change and business growth! This event was great – Please rinse and repeat.” – Adele McMurray

Frocking amazing! YOU can’t make this stuff up. Truth is truth and it’s why when people achieve great things, it’s so much better than fiction. As I share with you the testimonials, my heart races. It’s so exciting when people stand up and step into their lives fully. That is so Frock-alicious!


The world needs YOU! This is not some hokey pokey song or woo woo chant. It’s a FACT! The world actually needs you to be the best you! If you are not you doing what you are called to do, who will it be? There is no other you!

At our recent event I saw lives changing before my eyes. I saw people saying ‘yes’ (some for the first time ever). It’s powerful and humbling. At times I feel anxious because I know there are so many more people I could help

Because I can’t be in every city to host and launch live events, I have created an online program for you…and it’s coming soon! You’ll be able to complete it in the comfort of your office during the times that suit you. This program is designed to fuel you and to assist you to live your Frock-alicious life. It’s called

7 Secret Strategies to Stand Up and

Step into Your Life and Business.

More info to come soon. For now, I just want to say we are working to serve you, so stay tuned!

Just imagine the BEST and most brilliant you and all you offer! That’s powerful!

I want all of this for you and so much more!

Love Jo