My dear girlfriend from Britain often talks about cultural differences in a way that only she can. Britain’s unique sayings remind me that some English phrases can certainly raise eyebrows. For example, in Canada we might say “chin up” to someone who is feeling blue, but the Brits have a more direct saying that no doubt has raised a few eyebrows – keep your pecker up”. I love this saying! Although I would certainly use caution if you want to use it. First time I heard it, my reaction was “SAY WHAT?”

Often perception is a much larger influencer than the words themselves.

Words can be explosive at times. Although I am not an expert in linguistics, I have been in marketing and sales for years. There are some words one should never use.  Even the word should, like always and never, must be used sparingly.

So why, knowing what I know about word selection, would I name my company FROCK OFF Inc.? Hmm I wonder… No doubt my company name raises eyebrows. Here is my reasoning:

1. It Attracts People – People are generally curious, and this in turn creates great conversation.

Adversely it repels people – But those people are not likely my ideal type of customer.

2. The Name Can Become a Brand – Think Apple, Coke Cola, Oprah, Cher, Madonna, Nike. I bet you had no problem and knew exactly who or what I was referring to. With consistency the name is now synonymous with my brand and business.

The whole basis and foundation of Frock Off was my memoir Frock Off: Living Undisguised.

I knew that when selecting a name for the business (similar to naming a child) there are future implications. A name can make or break a company. Certain names never fly for some reason. Here are two interesting companies that may have missed the mark… #justsayin

Pu Pu Hot Pot

Butcher Funeral Home

Neither of these invoke curiosity. If anything they just make you giggle.

I wanted the business name to stand for something. It had to be commanding, powerful, and at times raise eyebrows. It had to create conversation, or at the very least cause people to pause and SAY WHAT?  I am constantly inviting and TELLING people to stand for their life and live unapologetically, full on, and at full tilt. FROCK OFF seemed very fitting.

The language was direct, easy to remember, and once understood either attracted and embraced, or repelled. No right or wrong in that… If it’s not the right fit for someone I would rather they tune out Frock Off fast.

I have learned over the years that to be remembered – you must stand out in a meaningful way. I wanted a name that evoked emotion, and could be used in both extremes. Saying “Frock Off!” is empowering, liberating, and freeing.

The other major consideration was could we expand the brand beyond the book so that we could hit our goalsto serve, educate, empower, and be the change we were seeking.

Was I up for the challenges of educating, enrolling, engaging and maintaining the vision and mission? The answer: yes!

What I have learned to date: 

1. Awareness.  Using a name that is less known or understood means educating others regularly – often daily. If people read the book they understand the name, and often I hear them Frock talking – which is fun and humbling.

The Challenge: Not everyone will read the book. The Solution: engage with others via live events that address both life and business development.

2. Language, like location, means everything! Direct Language can repel. We are not for everyone…we are for those who are committed to living their best life, and seeing success in business. They are action takers, thought leaders, and philanthropists. They desire the best for themselves and others, and have experienced success or are at the tipping point. They are ready, wanting, and willing to do the work. They are tired of settling. They know there is more – much more – and they are ready to take their turn!

Ultimately our mission is to serve the people who are ready to live Frock-aliciously. Frock-aliciously – yet another opportunity to educate people on our branding via our live FROCK-ALICIOUS live events that are action packed, highly engaging, accountable programs with solutions and tools for attendees to do the work and see wild success. 

3. Expansion – Could it expand? Yes! In fact the brand has expanded to include live events, speaking and online offerings. All are in alignment with the brand, its goals, mission and purpose.

To date I am happy to report that we are growing and serving the action takers who know it is their time, and we continue to grow! Has it been easy? NO! Is it worth it? YES! At times we’ve had to “keep our pecker up”. We had to. If it was easy, everyone would do it.

If you are ready to take action, and know there is MUCH more than you’ve experienced in life and business so far, then STAND UP, raise your hand, and join us. But be prepared for change, BIG change and BIG ideas that will take you to the next level.

Side note: a book alone is a tough business model. The book is the basis for Frock Off Inc. and before I launch any new products or services, I ensure it meets the brand requirements. To serve, educate and give back with purpose and tangible contributions.

To touch 13.1 million hearts:  By unleashing the collective voices of women through access to knowledge, connection and resources so that they live the life they dream and see unprecedented success in business and be the voice for those whose voices have been silenced. Creating systemic change in lives, communities and the world by tapping into true purpose and calling. Celebrating joy, growth and success!