Life Lesson – at the Market!

Life Lessons

I over heard two women talking as I stood looking at the flowers in the market. “Why can’t we see what’s really important until it’s to late?” Asked one to another? As I stood pondering the question the memory of when I had kidney cancer surfaced. I recalled being told,  the words said and the fear that over took me. In that moment life stood still and everything that mattered deeply became crystal clear – somethings stay with you forever.

Why can’t we see, we do, but often only in times of trauma of joy – because we can’t live in a heightened state of awareness all the time, nor should we. We get busy living the regular life, the day-to-day life. Our job, as I see it, is to live fully, purposely, in love – with gratitude, joy and peace.

The day will come in all our lives when we question if we lived, loved and made a difference. Did we dance in the moments of dark and light? Did we celebrated the gift of life?

And the big one. Did we do life or did life do us?

One day we too will ask the question – could I have done more? Let us each have to stretch to consider any stones left unturned.

We must live our legacy each day. Cherish all the moments that: take our breathe away, that inspire us and remember to celebrate the now!

Just my two cents!

Jo aka lover of flowers!